Archive for March, 2021

How To Manage Your Social Anxiety As We Come Out Of Lockdown

Posted on: March 31st, 2021 by admin No Comments

The gradual easing of lockdown restrictions can bring much-longed-for opportunities to see our friends and family, be able to walk around and hang out at the park, or pop back into the office. 

It gives us a bit of that ‘normal’ we’ve so desperately been craving. But for many, the easing of lockdown and social distancing restrictions is giving them a wave of unease, an emerging phenomenon that mental health experts are noticing: Anxiety about life after lockdown.

People who live with anxiety are prone to overthinking stepping back out into the world. The lifting of lockdown restrictions come with a lot of things, for many of us, even small and happy changes can mean nerves and agitation. And with the discussion still ongoing about the science behind many of the things we fear, even the semblance of normal that we’ve been craving can mean nothing compared to the worry that comes with it.

When the lockdown started, it was all uncertainties, one after the other. But just as you were able to bravely get through that, trust that the wave of uncertainties that the end of lockdown would be bringing forth will be something that you’ll be able to get through as well. 

It took us time to find ways to cope during the lockdown, coming out of it should be no different. Expect that you will take time to find your way back into the “old normal”.

Just as they were crucial during the beginning of lockdown, eating well, staying connected, finding healthy routines, and doing regular exercise are just as important (if not more so) now that we’re gearing up to step back out into the world.

We might all be going through the same pandemic, but always remember that we’re not all going through it in the same way. Your situation is unique to you, so don’t judge yourself based on what others are doing. The best thing you can do is face your own challenges and move through them the best way that you can.

Coping with fear and anxiety after lockdown

Fear and anxiety might be the most common emotional response to the easing of lockdown restrictions. Going into lockdown, we had to power through finding ways to cope. In the process, we may have found or created safe spaces that we’re not quite ready to leave yet as the distancing restrictions are lifted.

Another obvious reason the easing of lockdown restrictions can bring dread is the fear that we might catch the virus and pass it off onto one of our friends or loved ones, and the more you interact with people, the higher the chances become. This response is also normal, and the risks of catching the virus and passing it can be greatly reduced by following guidelines.

It’s important to acknowledge that these reactions and responses are normal. The only way to move through these fears is by gently building up tolerance towards them.

For many of us, the coronavirus pandemic has heightened our anxiety or has made other mental health issues worse. Adjusting back into things might take a while, and adjusting to new sets of rules and guidelines might take even longer. If possible, take things at your own pace. But also remember that there’s nothing wrong with challenging yourself to try something new or overcoming something each day.

The lockdown has created a quiet space for many of us and going back into the hustle and bustle of the outside world might lead to a bit of a sensory overload and could take a bit of getting used to. Headphones could help with this by creating distractions with music, podcasts, and even calls.

How to pick up our social lives after lockdown

Moving out of lockdown might mean the possibility of being able to pick our social lives back up, albeit with lots of new guidelines and changes. Some of us couldn’t wait to be able to see our friends again, while there are others who are understandably nervous about doing so or might not even be able to given their situation.

If you’re part of a social group where some members won’t be able to rejoin group outings and activities just yet, make sure you still find ways to include them.

As earlier mentioned, there might be some of us who fell into comfortable quietness during the lockdown, and we might need to step outside of the old comfort zone in order to overcome initial awkwardness to reconnect and re-engage with people.

Many of the things that we’re all about to face will be new to us. It could be insisting on social distancing restrictions among friends and family, remembering when and where to wear a mask, not stopping by for a chat when you see a friend at the grocery, and so on. All we could do as we’re collectively trying to find the right footing is to do our best at following guidelines, being understanding, and being kind.

Need to chat about reintegrating back into onsite work again? 

Start the conversation with the best IT recruitment consultants in Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide and Brisbane by emailing or calling 1300 544 652.

The Benefits Of A Diverse Team

Posted on: March 30th, 2021 by admin No Comments

Diversity in the workforce involves hiring people from different cultures, ethnicities, socio-economic backgrounds, races, religious affiliations, viewpoints, gender, education, personalities, skills, and so on. But it also goes beyond filling in gaps within brackets and balancing out ratios.

Why is diversity in the workplace so crucial? And why is hiring a diverse workforce critical to the success of a business?

Being intentional about making diversity in the workplace a priority can lead to many different benefits. Here are just a few of them.

Bigger talent, skill, and creativity pool

As humans, there are a lot of things that are similar about us, but at the end of the day, we are all still our own person and can bring many different things to the table.

Hiring people with different personalities, from different backgrounds and at different stages in their career can help foster creativity and offer a range of ideas and perspectives. 

Having a wide range of people coming from different places and experiences within the team can also mean team members can learn plenty from each other.

Creativity and Innovation

Working with people who have different skills, working styles, and viewpoints can give rise to worthwhile creative concepts from bouncing ideas off of each other and offering suggestions and different perspectives.

Where one team member might be great at coming up with exciting and creative ideas, another might have the necessary technical skills to execute them. That’s why it’s essential to play on each individual’s strengths and foster collaboration within teams. 

And with diversity in the mix, your team can become more creative and more adaptable to change. 

Better ROI

Diversity can also impact your company’s bottom line and can lead to a better return on investment. According to McKinsey & Company, they analysed 366 public companies across a range of industries. 

They found out that those that were in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity were 35% more likely to have financial returns that exceeded their national industry medians. While those that were in the top quartile for gender diversity were 15% more likely to go above financial performances in their industry medians. 

You might be wondering what’s at play here. While there might be a lot, a big piece of the puzzle is definitely improved decision-making.

Teams that are more diverse are less likely to be prone to groupthink (the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that discourages creativity or individual responsibility), they can look at facts from different views and perspectives, then make better choices from there. 

Better employee recruitment and improved retention

It’s not just employers who have made diversity a point of their focus, employees are doing the same when they’re on the lookout for potential companies to work for. 

As a matter of fact, according to a September 2020 Glassdoor survey, 76% of job seekers consider diversity an important factor when considering companies and job offers.

And beyond getting top talent through your door, diversity and inclusion can also go a long way in keeping top talent in your company. A 2018 Deloitte survey found that 69% of employees see their workplace as more motivating and stimulating when their leadership teams are more diverse.

Ready to hire a diverse team of great individuals?

Start the conversation with the best IT recruitment consultants in Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide and Brisbane by emailing or calling 1300 544 652.

Workplace Culture: What It Is and Why It Matters

Posted on: March 2nd, 2021 by admin 1 Comment

Workplace culture is your company’s character and personality. When you talk about which parts of an organisation make it a great one to work for, the two most mentioned things are compensation and a company’s culture.

A lot of managers and executives believe that these two factors should be enough to attract and retain talent to their company. Some companies inadvertently commit the mistake of letting workplace culture form naturally without defining what they would like for it to be or taking an active part in its formation.  You should be defining and demonstrating the culture that you want the company to be running on for your employees, not the other way around.

The culture in your company is influenced by a lot of things such as leadership, management, workspace practices and policies, and more. It’s how people treat each other and what they expect of themselves and each other. 

Workplace culture is as crucial as a business strategy is because it can either strengthen or undermine your organisation’s objectives, among other things. Here are a few more reasons why workplace culture matters and why your company should prioritise it.


The Importance of Workplace Culture

Workplace Culture attracts (and retains) great talent

Compensation and brand value might be what attracts top talent the most, but those aren’t the only things that candidates evaluate your company for. A positive, strong, and well-defined workplace culture is a big deciding factor in retaining not just any talent, but the most ideal fit for your company’s personality and objectives.

Workplace Culture drives engagement, motivation, and performance

Culture has a big impact on how employees engage and interact with each other and their work. A positively cultivated workplace culture definitely has a positive effect on not only engagement but performance as well. Simply put, the more comfortable and positive an employee feels in the environment where they work and the people they interact with can significantly increase motivation.

Workplace Culture directly impacts happiness and satisfaction

Research by Deloitte suggests that employee happiness and satisfaction is directly linked to workplace culture. And it’s not surprising. A positive work environment impacts the way we think, act, and analyse things. Since we spend so much of our lives at work, naturally, if an employee is happy, it will not only reflect on their growth as a person, but it will be evident in their output at work as well. We don’t know about you but that sounds like a win-win to us!

If you want your employees to foster a sense of pride and “ownership” towards the company, positive and genuine workplace culture is definitely a non-negotiable. And when people take pride, it becomes easier for them to invest their future in the organisation and working hard towards creating opportunities that will benefit them and the company becomes the natural thing to do.

Positivity in the workforce is a direct result of effective leadership and a positive management style. By identifying and rewarding the ones who are actively striving to create a positive work culture, you can encourage others to do the same. 

Want to further discuss workplace positivity and why you should strive towards creating a positive one for your company? 

Start the conversation with the best IT recruitment consultants in Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide and Brisbane by emailing or calling 1300 544 652.