Archive for November, 2021

Going Hybrid? 4 Tips For A Successful Hybrid Workplace Switch

Posted on: November 16th, 2021 by admin No Comments

Things are gradually going back to normal, which means companies want their employees back to the office. However, some workers are not too keen on going back to the office. Surveys and polls by Gallup, Microsoft and EY revealed that most workers prefer the flexibility of a remote work setup or a hybrid work week where some days are spent in the in office and some at work. 

This preference has forced companies to look at adopting a hybrid model instead. Hybrid is simply a flexible approach to work that allows employees to choose where they want to do their job. It empowers them to build their work around their lives instead of the other way around. 

But it’s not a flawless solution. There are hurdles for businesses to navigate. We have a few tips straight from hybrid model pros that may help your organisation effectively adapt to a hybrid workplace and hopefully increase employee morale, productivity and retention. 

Know what your team needs

Adopting a new work setting is a significant change, one that should have your employees’ support. Rolling out the plan of switching to a hybrid model without any employee input is a big mistake. 

One of the best ways to make sure that you’re not missing anything and that things will be up to par is to ask your employees. Survey your team to understand their preferences and concerns. That way, you’ll discover who wants to return to the office and who wants to retain the WFH setup. You’ll also get to address problems that might arise from a hybrid format and resolve any current issues your team is facing right now with remote work.

Train your managers

Managing a team is already a challenge in itself. Doing it while some or all members are working remotely is another hurdle entirely, one that requires a different set of skills and tools. 

You cannot assume that your managers and supervisors can just learn along the way when in a hybrid workplace setting. 

One Harvard business review survey reveals that 40% of leaders have low confidence in their ability to manage a remote team. Meanwhile, 41% of those surveyed admit that they struggle to keep their remote workers motivated.

To address that, organisations should provide the necessary training on the workings of a hybrid model and how managers can do their job effectively in that environment. This can include seminars on best practices and providing resources and tools they can use. You can even conduct collab meetings where managers can discuss the challenges or successes they had.

Provide employees with resources

Of course, employees need support, too, especially those who want to set up a workspace in their homes. 

The hybrid model is not just about whether or not an employee works in an office. It’s about creating the whole employee experience; helping them set up functional workspaces to show that you support them in choosing where they want to work. 

It’s also about equipping your employee with the things they need to do their work and succeed whilst at the same time giving them the flexibility and independence they crave. 


Like any new routine or process, it will take time for people to acclimate to a hybrid model. It won’t be a seamless transition, and problems will pop up. So, patience is critical.

Your team might struggle with hosting productive meetings when everyone is remote and it can potentially be hard to foster meaningful relationships when you can’t physically get together. 

These are challenges, not impossibilities but it’s something to keep in mind when mapping out your company’s switch to a hybrid workplace.

With the switch to hybrid workplaces,  we’re all forced to rethink how we view work as being constricted to a single physical location (i.e the office). The ideal work environment can differ from person to person. 

Productivity is not limited to being in a cubicle or sitting at a desk for eight hours a day, unleash the hybrid office and see how much happier and more productive your team can be! 

What’s the biggest challenge so far in your hybrid workplace? We’d love to hear from you. Start the conversation with the best IT recruitment consultants in Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide and Brisbane by emailing or calling 1300 544 652.

How to Manage An Exit Interview

Posted on: November 9th, 2021 by admin No Comments

It’s normal for employees to leave a job and a company. Some of the most common reasons include the company’s work culture, changes in the management, workload, rewards and location. 

It could also be due to factors not entirely related to the company like the employee wants to choose another career path, or they’re relocating. Sometimes it can be a combination of those mentioned. 

Whatever the reason is, most companies conduct an exit interview to gain some insight from the resigning employee on what’s doing well and what needs to be improved. In fact, a study shows that 63% of employers found exit interviews to be useful to both professionals and the organisation itself. 

Now, when managing an exit interview, there are a few things to ask and remember to gain valuable insight from the employee and ensure a positive closure. 

Before scheduling the face-to-face interview, it’s a good idea to let the employee answer a survey beforehand. That way, both the employee and employers will know what questions and answers to expect during the interview proper. 

This also allows the employee to actually think about what they would like to say. Plus, written surveys can be more comfortable for employees, especially if they still hesitate to share negative feedback. 

As obvious as this one is, it’s a reminder to keep it professional and proper when conducting an exit interview. Ask the employee common questions like why they are deciding to quit; their relationship with their team, the management, and the company itself; if they feel that their roles matched the job description they applied for or were promoted for. 

As simple as these questions are, it helps set the exit interview’s tone and keeps you as an interviewer from feeling biased. 

Remember that the purpose of the exit interview is to know the company’s strengths and weaknesses. 

Don’t be afraid to hear any negative feedback that the employee may have towards their team, superiors, management, or company. Instead, take note of these so that you can further assist with the management of what you can do to address those points of improvement. 

It’s easy to make assumptions and get lost in your own translation of what the employee shares. Hence, it’s necessary to listen actively to really understand what they’re saying. This will show the employee that you value what they’re saying and that the organisation itself cares. 

Some employees may share office gossip or slander their colleagues and state it as a reason for their resignation. When that happens, it’s best to let the employee know that while you are listening to them, you do not have an opinion and will not engage. Remember, this will only add fuel to the fire. 

Like we mentioned earlier, it’s best not to give any opinions. Keep in mind that this exit interview is meant for the employee and for them to feel comfortable and open. 

Though they will eventually be no longer part of the company, it’s ideal not to burn bridges, especially if they’re not a bad employee. Instead, encourage them to stay in touch. You’ll never know when they might actually be interested in returning to the company (if allowed) or potential collaborations that can also benefit the organisation.


An employee resignation is a bittersweet ending, and an exit interview will help determine and achieve a proper closure. So keep these tips in mind when conducting an interview with a leaving employee. 

Got any questions or additional tips for conducting exit interviews? Start the conversation with the best IT recruitment consultants in Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide and Brisbane by emailing or calling 1300 544 652.

The 2021 Work Dress Code

Posted on: November 9th, 2021 by admin No Comments

Most likely, you haven’t touched your work wardrobe for a year or more. And why would you when the world has spent over a year staying home? 

But with offices opening back up, you might have to dust off that old work suit again. So are you ready to put on slacks and suits after a year of dressing up in pyjamas and comfy shirts? 

How People Dress For Work (At Home)

LinkedIn put out a poll asking their users what’s their current workwear style. Did they opt for comfort casual, smart casual, or full-on business attire (and makeup)? Responses were varied, of course. But for the majority of WFH workers, comfort is the way to go, unsurprisingly.

People shared their usual workwear: casual shirts and comfy shorts or pants are the top choices. Provided, of course, that there are no meetings for the day. But in case there are, a smart top or blazer is the usual solution to appear professional. But still, anything goes for the lower half since it’s well away from the webcam lens.

However, some responses deviate from the majority. For example, 27% of the poll votes went to the smart-casual option. They still dress up a bit despite working from home. Some people believe that what you wear while working is still part of the job, even if you’re doing it remotely. 

According to one user, what you wear at work influences your behaviour. And wearing your work attire is what gets you into “work mode.” Dressing up for a WFH setting gives a sense of normalcy and can help you be productive as if you’re still at the office. Compare that to when you’re wearing a comfy tee and pants, which can only make you feel like you’d relax and chill instead.

The Workleisure Trend

Workers preferring comfort over style when it comes to their WFH attire has led to a new descriptor: workleisure. Workleisure clothes refer to the comfy, stretchy clothes that are also s

tylish enough to wear as work attire. 

Usually, clothing meant for activewear, like yoga pants and joggers, fall under workleisure. The versatility of these kinds of apparel slowly made its way into the category of office wear, largely thanks to remote working. People are so used to wearing them while working from home now. This is likely why some companies are loosening up their dress code policies.

The athleisure/workleisure trend also led to the popular exercise dress. It’s an all-in-one outfit meant for activity but is now more acceptable to wear every day. It’s like an unspoken rule that the dress is for everyday wear rather than workout gear. And its popularity even prompted well-known brands such as Nike to join the bandwagon and make their exercise dresses for workleisure.

Dressing Up For Work In 2021

Changed by the pandemic, many employees are still pretty reluctant to go back to the office. This may prompt managers and supervisors to make compromises, like offering a hybrid work setting or allowing a more relaxed dress code in the office. 

If your boss is calling you back to the office and you’re wondering what to wear, you can count on the growing workleisure trend to be the reason why you’re wearing sweatpants. But before you ditch entirely the business attire cooped up in your wardrobe, you might want to check with your manager about the dress policy.

If you have no choice but to go back to wearing button-up shirts and slacks, maybe you can negotiate for casual weekdays where you can sport your comfy joggers or exercise dress.

Ready to go back to the office sporting your new workleisure clothes? Or maybe you’re ready to venture back into the workforce again? If so, let us help you out! Start the conversation with the best IT recruitment consultants in Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide and Brisbane by emailing or calling 1300 544 652.