Archive for September, 2020

Tips for Successfully Managing Remote Teams

Posted on: September 18th, 2020 by admin No Comments

Companies are responding to the unpredictability unveiled by the Coronavirus pandemic by asking their employees to work remotely. As a result, there’s now a multitude of managers, team leaders, and supervisors who suddenly find themselves needing to manage remote teams. And for many of us, it’s the first time we’ve ever had to do so, with barely any time to prepare at all.

This scenario that managers have suddenly been plunged into might be a little more than difficult to come to grips with, leaving some feeling like they have lost control over things and even affecting trust levels amongst teams. But with up to 90% of all employees saying they would like to work remotely at least part of the time for the rest of their careers, the remote work model is definitely something that we all need to embrace. That’s why the Redwolf & Roch team have gathered some tips to help make it easier for you to manage your team remotely: 

Use tech to your advantage

This is the first thing you need to ensure, and this applies to both hardware and software. Technological tools will be the ultimate key in nailing communication and efficient collaboration. Allocate resources into making sure your team has all the tools they need to get the work done. This can range from apps, laptops, mobile devices, and even high-speed internet. It’s presumptuous to assume that everyone has access to these tools, and it’s your responsibility as a manager to ensure that your team does.

Streamline communication

Create a communication strategy and establish “rules of engagement” to help make remote work become more seamless and efficient. This means setting expectations for frequency, ideal timings, means, etc. for the team’s communication. And while certainly, maintaining professionalism in virtual communication is important, there’s nothing wrong with making use of appropriate emojis here and there. 

Set expectations

And clear ones, at that. Whether it must involve demonstrating how you want things done via video coaching, showing examples through Loom videos, or sharing calendars and project management outlines, make sure your expectations are as clear as can be for (and from) those you work with online. The better prepared the team is, the better they’d be able to execute plans and projects effectively.

The proof is in the outcome, not in the activity

When transitioning into a remote workforce, the focus should be on the goals and managing expectations. Worry less about what things are being done and how they’re being done. Instead, focus on what is being accomplished at the end of the day. Besides, it’s impossible to manage every aspect of the work that your team is doing, especially when your team is distributed across different locations (and maybe even time zones) so it would be futile to even try. A better way to measure your team accordingly is through the outcomes, not on the hours worked or how those hours were spent.

Be Flexible  

During such uncertain and worrying times, you need to understand that even (or especially) outside of work, your team has a lot on their plate. While that’s no excuse for not getting work done, it’s a great reason, as a manager, to give some thought to what productivity really means. With the current state of things, the “9-to-5” and punching a clock for 8 hours is definitely out of the question for many of us. That’s why you need to learn to be flexible with your team and allow them a schedule or a working groove that helps them be their most productive. You’d thank yourself for it because, in the end, it would be best not just for the team, but for the entire company as well.

Offer Encouragement & Support 

Because of the abrupt shift from office based work to remote work, as a manager, you need to not only acknowledge but also understand the new and unique stresses that your team will be facing. Be even more open to discussing things with your team members, whether it’s concerns about the future or anxiety about work, learn to empathize with their struggles effectively, even if it’s through virtual communication. And if a team member is clearly showing signs of distress and struggles, don’t hesitate to be the first one to approach and check in on them.

Want to manage an awesome team of great individuals?

Start the conversation with the best IT recruitment consultants in Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide and Brisbane by emailing or calling 1300 544 652.

Debunking These Top 4 Recruitment Myths

Posted on: September 8th, 2020 by admin No Comments

Recruitment is a dynamic, expansive, and ever evolving field and it has become quite infamous because of the myths that surround it – many of which are simply untrue. Some of these recruitment myths are brought on by the industry adapting its tactics and processes to the shifting workforce demand and technological advancements in the field. Others are hauled from outdated ways of the past that no longer work in today’s market.

It’s time we uncover the truth behind these recruitment myths because believing in them not only waste companies a lot of time and money – they can also completely derail the hiring process.

Recruitment Myth #1: Selecting Candidates Based Solely On Their Job Skills And Experiences

It’s certainly important to choose a candidate with the right skills and experiences needed to be successful in the role you’re trying to hire for. But those two things shouldn’t be the ONLY thing you’re on the lookout for when it comes to scouting for the best candidates. Another factor you should be considering is whether or not a candidate is a good fit with your company culture. Making the mistake of hiring someone who isn’t a good fit with your company culture typically results in people quitting or needing to be terminated not long after being hired.  This can have a cumulative and negative impact on your employee turnover rate.

Scouting for candidates that are aligned with your company culture could be worked into your hiring strategy by clearly defining your values and culture as a company, and including it in all your job ads and descriptions. This will help attract candidates who fit into your company culture early on in the hiring process and filter out those who are not suitable.

Recruitment Myth #2: Employers Have All The Power In The Recruitment Process

As an employer, it’s easy to believe that you hold all the power in the hiring process. But with the current Australian unemployment rate at just 7.62%, it’s very much a candidate-led market and this allows job seekers to exercise more sway. This could present challenges to employers trying to recruit for open positions with a small pool of applicants to pick from. Aside from the limited amount of candidates, fighting with competitors to attract and retain top talent could mean being more flexible when it comes to offering higher salaries, and making quick and decisive moves once you find the best fit. Offering higher salaries and competitive benefits to help incentivise top talent to make a career move might cost you more when hiring a new employee, but it can save you even more in the long run once you have the best people in your company.

Recruitment Myth #3: Finding The Best Candidates Is All About Well Written Job Descriptions

Well written job descriptions are helpful for attracting the ideal candidates for your job openings… Ideal candidates that are actively looking for a job, that is. Because according to LinkedIn, even though only 15% of people are satisfied with their current positions, only 25% are actively looking for a better one. That means there are a lot of people out there that would love to make the switch if the right opportunity presented itself. Unfortunately, these people aren’t actively looking for said opportunity. So while job descriptions definitely work, they only work on people who can see them. And that doesn’t include these “passive candidates.”

So how do you reach these passive job seekers? Recruitment agencies have a better chance of knowing who these people are, how to contact them, and what benefits you can throw their way to help incentivise them into making a career move. 

Recruitment Myth #4: You Have To Handle Recruitment Internally

The recruitment process can be overwhelming, time consuming, and resource-draining; especially when you take on it without the help of professional recruiters. As your company grows, so do the roles that you need to hire for. Because of this, simply working with in-house HR staff might not be enough in ensuring that you get the best talent to fill your open positions. This is where recruitment agencies come in handy. Aside from collecting and assessing CV’s, conducting interviews, and checking references, agencies also have specialist recruitment consultants that are well-informed in specific roles, skills, and industries that in-house recruiters might not always be familiar with.

Recruitment can be filled with misconceptions and uncertainties. But working with an effective recruitment agency in Australia can help you overcome these challenges and better ensure that you hire only the top talents for your open positions.

Connect with us today to find your next great hire! Start the conversation with the best IT recruitment consultants in Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide and Brisbane by emailing or calling 1300 544 652.

Top 5 Job Search Tips For Getting Hired During The Pandemic

Posted on: September 1st, 2020 by admin No Comments

Looking for a job and getting hired is never uncomplicated. But the Coronavirus pandemic has brought on challenges in the job search process that both employers and candidates have never seen before. As companies move their workforce to remote settings and the number of layoffs and furloughs increase, many job seekers wonder if they should even be sending out applications.

We believe that you shouldn’t stop networking and applying. What you should do? Adapt your approach to fit these uncertain times. Here are a couple of tips to help you navigate through the job search process and get hired during the pandemic.

Research Industries And Companies That Are Actively Hiring

In general, the job market outlook is looking bleak, at least for the moment. But believe it or not, there are still companies and entire industries that are trying to ramp up their hiring. To help with your job search, find out about who these companies are, what skill sets they are looking for, and how you can shift your experience and expertise to meet their needs.

Take Advantage Of  The Current Downtime To Boost Your Skills

Take the current downtime to pick up new skills. Not only will these new skills make your resume look sharp and aid in your job search, you can also highlight them during interviews to show recruiters and employers that you have the ability, eagerness, and motivation to learn new skills. 

Add Remote Work-Friendly Keywords To Your CV, Cover Letter, And LinkedIn Profile

Since many companies have moved their current employees to work from home or remote work schemes, most of them are beginning to recognize the importance of flexibility and adaptability to work through these challenges and uncertainties. Many of them are also keen on ensuring that the talents they bring on board in the future are adept and experienced in shifting through these types of unpredictabilities. 

When sending out applications – and even on your Linkedin profile – be sure to include and highlight relevant tech tools that you have experience using, as well as soft skills that come in handy when working remotely such as written communication, time management, and the ability to work autonomously. This will help recruiters and employers know that you’re well equipped to work in #TheNewNormal and can also help take your job search to the next level.

Ace The Video Interview

Interviews have always been nerve-racking. But video interviews can be even more daunting and stressful because it’s more difficult to build rapport and pick up on social cues over Zoom. With that said, it wouldn’t hurt to be overprepared: Dress as you would for an in-person interview (yes, including pants or skirt!), test your audio, framing, and background well before the interview is set to begin, and engage by nodding along and smiling during appropriate times.

Work With A Specialist Recruitment Agency For Your Job Search

Even before the Coronavirus pandemic wreaked havoc across all aspects of our lives, looking for a job has never been a leisurely walk in the park. By teaming up with a recruitment agency, you can make your job search a little less challenging.

Recruitment agencies work with businesses who are looking to fill up open positions with suitable candidates so not only will they know more about which companies are hiring, they’d also be able to match you with the most ideal job for your skills and experiences. This will help you save time and give you access to more (and better) job opportunities, and even if you don’t get hired for the first potential match, you stay in the recruitment agency’s database for future positions. Lastly, job agencies make money by placing candidates and they don’t earn anything until after a successful hiring process. This motivation can certainly do good for you and your job search.

Ready to boost your job search and find the most ideal job vacancies in Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane and Sydney? Boost that Profile and CV and send it across to us, we’d love to hear from you! 

Start the conversation with the best IT recruitment consultants in Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide and Brisbane by emailing or calling 1300 544 652.