When deciding to relocate to a new city, there are plenty of things to think about. Of course, since you’re staying there permanently, getting a job is at the top of your to-do list.
The reality is, it’s going to be hard looking for a job when you’re not a local. That’s why before letting go of your current job, try and ask your colleagues or managers whether it’s possible to keep it and become a remote worker instead. The best-case scenario is they let you, as long as you can travel to and fro for essential meetings. It’s not an unlikely scenario, though, since remote work has become a trend ever since the COVID-19 health emergency.
Otherwise, here are tips for landing a job when relocating to a new city.
Start doing some homework.
So, you’ve chosen where you’ll be relocating. The first step in landing a job here is to do a bit of research. Are there available jobs in your field?. Look for potential companies you think will benefit from your skills and experience. List the top 5 or 10 that you have in mind and get as much information about them as you can. Follow them on social media, get to know their hiring process, and consider reaching out to their hiring managers for a chance to introduce yourself. The proactive bird gets the worm.
Update your resume.
Make it clear on your cover letter and resume that you are actively considering work in a new location even if your resume lists your current address.
Some hiring managers understand it when potential employees take off their addresses from their resumes for privacy reasons. At the same time, it will make it evident that you are not a local in the area. The best way to go about this is to put a local address of a family member, a person you’re staying with, or a place where you will be feasibly staying when you’re done with relocation.
You can always put your old address, though, but make sure to mention your planned relocation on your cover letter as well as an expected time period of moving (e.g. two weeks needed to move from Melbourne to Sydney)
Check out recruitment agencies.
Job hunting is a tedious process, especially when you’re new to the area. In this case, it’s best to utilise as many resources as you can. For instance, recruitment agencies like us REDWOLF + ROSCH! Our job is to take the pressure of job hunting off your shoulders. We’ll keep you updated with available job openings from our various partner companies in Australia and give you all the necessary information you need to connect with them. You can get started today by visiting https://redwolfrosch.com.au/talent.
New city. New network.
A professional network is always a great help when looking for career opportunities. However, this doesn’t mean that your previous network won’t help you in this area. In fact, they may introduce you to someone they know in your new place of residence. You can start from there, or you may also reach out to friends and family in the area. Otherwise, you can explore LinkedIn or your alumni network for potential connections in the new city.
Be prepared to travel for interviews.
A quick trip for an interview may sound costly now, but it is ultimately better than moving without a salary to look forward to for weeks on end. Ultimately, travelling for an interview will be worth it. Bonus if you’ve already planned out the details of your trip back and included them in your cover letters to let recruiters know of your availability.
Planning to move to a new city? Start the conversation with the best IT recruitment consultants in Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide and Brisbane by emailing office@redwolfrosch.com.au or calling 1300 544 652.
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